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Our Bathroom Remodel – Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage


Why hello, thanks for checking in to see how things have been going since last week’s update. I would love to show you some photos of all the progress, but that would require that some progress has been made.

Here’s how things looked when we left off last Monday

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage
Bathroom on Feb 23

And here’s how it looks today.

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage
Bathroom on March 2

That’s not to say that *nothing* got accomplished last week. The super nice cabinet builder did come and replace the bottoms of both of the cabinets that suffered water damage when this happened.

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage

One of the guys came and took mercy on me and for the price of what would have been my Urgent Care co-pay, took down all the shelves and bars in the closet.

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage
This photo is symbolic of my whole life right now.

And of course there was the plumber that came on Wednesday who said he couldn’t do anything until the tile guys did XYZ and then Thursday when the tile guys came and said they couldn’t do XYZ until the plumber did ABC and then another plumber came and also said he couldn’t do ABC and then someone else came on Friday and sat on the edge of the tub hole for a while waiting for someone to call him back.

As any of you who have been through a remodeling project know, this is what we call the “WTF Stage.” Every project has one, and if this was our first rodeo I might be confused and frustrated, but we’ve done this before and I’m quite frankly impressed it has taken this long to get here.

During our Seattle remodel I once came home to the sight of four grown men staring at our brand new tiled kitchen backsplash and custom cabinets (shown below.) Only one of them was brave enough to admit that they were trying to figure out the best way to tell me that the plumber forgot to a) Turn back on the emergency shut off valve so that there was water flow to the pot filler  and b) Mark where the shut off valve was so they could minimize how many things they had to cut through to locate it.

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage

One metal detector rental later, it all worked out. This is just one of the many ‘it could be worse’ remodeling issues that we’ve already lived through that is giving us some perspective about the minor annoyances with this bathroom remodel.

We try to look on the bright side like how I can reach all of my shoes while I’m typing this post.

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage


And how I don’t have to vacuum the couch any more now that the cats can only get to about 3″ of it.

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage


Another example of looking on the bright side: A great perk of having your entire downstairs covered in protective paper is that when the cat barfs on the floor, you can just tear off that section and throw it away! If it weren’t for the fact that every single step you take sounds like you are living inside a microwave popcorn bag, we might just paper the whole house!

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage

Sometime between 12-2 today I get to learn the true answer of “Who needs to do ABC or XYZ first, the plumber or the tile guy” as they both come face to face in a contractor fight to the finish…..same room…..same time…..Oh dear god, just someone do something, please.


To catch up on previous episodes:

Episode 1: It Begins!

Episode 2: The Toxic Shower Pan

Episode 3: Where is Everyone?

Episode 4: 50 Shades of Beige

Episode 5: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Next: Episode 7: Pick the Perfect Paint Color in 20 Easy Steps

Our Bathroom Remodel - Episode 6: Officially in the WTF Stage

Once upon a time, Susanne Kerns was a Senior Account Director at an advertising agency working for two of the top brands in the world. Nine years ago she traded in her corporate life for a life as a stay at home mom, raising two of the best kids in the world. She started her blog, The Dusty Parachute as a way to dust off her online advertising skills and begin her job search. Instead, she now uses it as a way to spend lots of time on the computer so her kids think that mommy has a job.

Susanne’s essays have been featured in Scary Mommy, BonBon Break and Redbook and she is also a contributor in the upcoming books, It’s Really 10 Months, Special Delivery and Martinis & Motherhood – Tales of Wonder Woe & WTF?! You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The Dusty Parachute by Susanne Kerns
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