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This year I went two writing conferences: The Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference and Blog U. The number one topic of conversation among bloggers at both conferences was about how long it has been since any of us had written anything. Writing-withdrawl is also a main topic in our secret blogger Facebook groups and even with friends in my local writing group.
We’re all overflowing with ideas and love to write, but unfortunately, in blogger-land, writing is not enough.
I did this chart last year for Blog U, and although it’s meant to be a joke, it’s sadly quite accurate.
Only a small fraction of our time actually goes toward writing, the rest goes to formatting stories into WordPress, adding links, making sure it’s set up in a search-engine friendly way, trying to come up with a catchy headline and of course looking for a pretty image, or creating a nice graphic for the header.
Once all this is done, it’s time to post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and anywhere else that helps increase the chance of just you and your mom reading it.
Whew! No wonder I’m so tired!
My personal hold up is usually the header graphic. I’m not artistic and don’t have an eye for optimal fonts or color combinations. I have had at least a dozen posts that I have decided not to write because I didn’t have time to deal with the graphic for the header.
Fortunately, I have come up with a solution.
Thanks to NaBloPoMo, (the blogging challenge where bloggers try to post every single day for the month of November,) I have decided it’s impossible to worry about creating 30 artistic headers this month. So from now on, whenever I want to write something but don’t want to be bogged down by the graphics, you will see this.
Because I’m a writer, not a graphic artist and time’s too precious to spend NOT writing anymore.
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I’m taking part in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo, where bloggers add a new piece to their blog EVERY DAY for the month of November. Wish me luck!
- Come Check Out My New Place! SusanneKerns.com - May 23, 2017
- Don’t Miss “Touch a Truck” Austin! - May 11, 2017
- The Priceless Benefits of Having a Pen Pal - May 7, 2017
My brain has been left intentionally blank, but getting the words on the page and not sweating the small stuff! (Except,the small stuff gets the words read, but dang, how to …. fuggedaboutit.) I was at EBWW and BlogU too; wish our paths crossed!
I wish our paths would have crossed to! I’m heading to Mom 2.0 next – maybe I’ll see you there! (?)
Yes!! Sometimes I can write a blog faster than I can deal with all the images. I did an image-based post a month ago and it took me DAYS to finalized.
My Instagram pics are enough inspiration! LOL! That pie chart is perfect…