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The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The Austin Trail of Lights – Get a ZiP and Feel Like a VIP

I love holiday lights.

You can tell by the vast array of holiday inflatables in our front yard, that we take exterior illumination pretty seriously around here. People come from miles around to take family photos in front of our holiday display, (okay, that only happened once, but it was awesome.)

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
We put the the Classy in Christmas.

I’m fortunate to live in Austin, TX, where we have one of those most amazing light displays around: The Trail of Lights.

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The only thing that gets me as excited as a beautiful light display is finding a way to skip the lines to see that beautiful light display – That’s why I LOVE the ZIP Fast Pass!


The ZiP Fast Pass gives attendees front-of-the-line access to the Trail at 6 PM, before it opens to the public.  Yes, please!

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
A tip for avoiding traffic: Head down a little early and enjoy some holiday cheer at Chuy’s or one of the other great restaurants along Barton Springs.


Here’s a recaps of the lights from the 2015 Trail of Lights. I wish I could show you photos from the 2016 Trail of Lights, but thanks to one kid with pneumonia and a husband and other kid with the flu, the only lights I get to see this year are the lights on their digital thermometers.

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
How Texas actually looks from space.

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP

The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
The only thing better than books is *free* books. Thank you, HEB!
The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
I had to take a special moment with the Maudie’s Display. Unfortunately there were no margaritas at this stop.


The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
The kids LOVED ‘making’ candy at the Big Top Candy Shop display.


The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
Report back to tell me how many of your kids bothered reading that sign.


The Austin Trail of Lights - Feel Like a VIP with a ZiP
This is where we say goodbye until next year. Thanks for another beautiful show, Trail of Lights.



Once upon a time, Susanne Kerns was a Senior Account Director at an advertising agency working for two of the top brands in the world. Nine years ago she traded in her corporate life for a life as a stay at home mom, raising two of the best kids in the world. She started her blog, The Dusty Parachute as a way to dust off her online advertising skills and begin her job search. Instead, she now uses it as a way to spend lots of time on the computer so her kids think that mommy has a job.

Susanne’s essays have been featured in Scary Mommy, BonBon Break and Redbook and she is also a contributor in the books, It’s Really 10 Months, Special Delivery and Martinis & Motherhood – Tales of Wonder Woe & WTF?!

You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

The Dusty Parachute by Susanne Kerns
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2 thoughts to “The Austin Trail of Lights – Get a ZiP and Feel Like a VIP”

  1. super fun insight into this event! i’ve never gone – always too worried about traffic. after reading your blog i think i will put my big girl pants (i’m not saying panties, not gonna do it), and take my family this year. looks really fun!

    1. Yes, I fear the traffic as well, that’s why we always go down extra early and grab dinner while we’re down there. Also, just got an update from the Trail of Lights team about a cool app called Metropia which is supposed to help you plan around traffic, here are the basics:

      “Metropia, Inc., creators of the free mobile app system to alleviate traffic congestion, and the Mobility Authority today announced their collaboration with the Trail of Lights Foundation in order to help visitors easily and effectively plan their
      trip to the beloved Austin Trail of Lights festival. Metropia’s holistic approach to alleviating traffic congestion will now offer a customized option for traveling to this year’s Trail of Lights. After opening the app, users will have the option of inputting “Trail of Lights” into their destination field. After selecting their specific destination of either the Trail of Lights shuttle lot or the pre-paid parking lots, Metropia will calculate and present the best routes and departure times to reach the Trail by your desired arrival time.”

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