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To help demonstrate to future employers how efficient I am, (okay, I’m actually just being a little lazy), I’m copying an excerpt from my first post to explain what the name “The Dusty Parachute” means.
By 11:40pm, I was pretty excited. I started brainstorming potential site names. Having spent over 10 years in advertising, I knew that selecting a name is a big decision not to be taken lightly. You should take time to consider all of your options, and certainly a focus group would be in order. After extensive consideration, at 11:45, the name “The Dusty Parachute” came to me.
I conducted my focus group by leaning over my sleeping husband and asking, “Hey, what do you think of ‘The Dusty Parachute?” He responded with a primitive grunt, and ‘Whaaaa?” and then swatted a hand in my general direction before promptly falling back asleep.
Clearly I would have to play the part of my own focus group. I provided myself with valuable feedback such as, “It sounds a little like a geriatric porn name” and ”It sounds like how you would refer to your diaphragm if you haven’t had much action lately”. Now try to get those images out of your head while I move to the real heart of the name.
The fact is, my ‘parachutes’ are dusty: My career’s, “What Color Is Your Parachute?” one, and my “Gymboree playgroup, circle-time parachute from back when my kids needed my undivided attention” one.
It’s time do dust them both off: One to donate to the next new mom out there and one to figure out the next chapter of my life.
- Come Check Out My New Place! SusanneKerns.com - May 23, 2017
- Don’t Miss “Touch a Truck” Austin! - May 11, 2017
- The Priceless Benefits of Having a Pen Pal - May 7, 2017