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    The World's Best Sugar Cookie -

    The Best Sugar Cookie Recipe EVER

    I have exciting news for you all – After 42 years on this planet, I have finally achieved my goal in life!

    I know what you’re saying to yourself.  “Wow, I wish I could achieve my goal in life, maybe I should work harder!”  Maybe you should.  Because then you could be like me, 42 years old without a single care in the world, living the rest of my life free and easy because I’m no longer burdened by my life long goal of finding the perfect sugar cookie recipe.
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    It's Really 10 Months - Special Delivery

    The Pluses and Minuses of Pregnancy

    Not many people know about the challenges that we had getting pregnant with my son, (who I typically refer to as “The 5 Year Old” in my posts.) In fact, before reading my story, “The Pluses & Minuses of Pregnancy” in the new It’s Really 10 Months – Special Delivery anthology, even many of our friends and family had no idea that we had dealt with secondary infertility and suffered through a series of what our doctor called ‘chemical pregnancies’ before finally getting pregnant with the 5yo.

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    Cheers To You - From

    Cheers to You!

    When my daughter was four years old, we went to a friend’s cabin for the weekend with a couple of families. My friend and I went for a morning run and when we returned the other mom rushed out to cut us off before we got to the door with a panicked look on her face.

    “Everything’s okay now,” she said, which of course makes us instantly start to panic. “We called 911 and the paramedics said everyone should be okay.”

    What the?!!!

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    My Favorite Anniversary Present

    Can You Find My Favorite Anniversary Present?

    My husband and I aren’t big on giving gifts. We already have a lot of stuff and we’re both really bad about buying things when we want them so not only is there nothing that either one of us really needs, there’s not even usually something that we want that the other could buy.

    For a while we tried to make gift buying more interesting by creating gift-giving themes like, “Spend $10 at a Walgreen’s” or “Spend $10 on something that could be featured on Antique Roadshow someday.”
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