Update: January 11, 2016 – I wrote this original post one year ago. Since then, it has continued to receive search traffic on a regular basis, from who I’m sure are very confused parents trying to shop for the new American Doll of the Year. It appears that The American Girl Doll Corporation has not taken any of my suggestions for the American Girl Doll of the Year 2016…..there’s always 2017……
It’s January, and you know what that means. Sure, it means the holidays are over, you’re busy breaking your resolutions and cursing all the stray Christmas decorations that you missed in your haul up to the attic.
But there’s something even more exciting that comes with the turn of the new year: The introduction of the new American Girl Doll of the Year 2015.
Are you on the edge of your seat wondering:
“Who will it be this year? A little white girl with long blonde hair or a little darker-white girl with long brown hair?”
“Will her hobby will be walking homeless puppies or perhaps this year she’ll branch out from ballet dancing to tap?”
Well, the wait is over. May I present to you, Grace, the French Baker.
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