I have to admit, when I started The Dusty Parachute back in August of 2014, I didn’t put much thought into the site name. Unfortunately, the thought I did put into it was based on the idea that it was going to be an anonymous blog about answering the question, “What Color Is Your Parachute?” after 10 years as a stay at home mom.
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Category: Career
I Write, Therefore I Am (a Writer.)
I have a confession.
I’m in the middle of a “When Harry Met Sally” type love affair.
Technically, I’m more toward the end of the movie, when after denying and rationalizing his feelings for years, Harry is finally ready to lay his heart on the line and profess his love to Sally.
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“Before I Die __________.”
Today is my birthday. I had planned on spoiling myself with a spa day, but instead I decided to spoil myself with time to write, which these days is truly a rare treat.
You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been off the blogging and writing radar since this summer.
The Pluses and Minuses of Pregnancy
Not many people know about the challenges that we had getting pregnant with my son, (who I typically refer to as “The 5 Year Old” in my posts.) In fact, before reading my story, “The Pluses & Minuses of Pregnancy” in the new It’s Really 10 Months – Special Delivery anthology, even many of our friends and family had no idea that we had dealt with secondary infertility and suffered through a series of what our doctor called ‘chemical pregnancies’ before finally getting pregnant with the 5yo.
Cheers to You!
When my daughter was four years old, we went to a friend’s cabin for the weekend with a couple of families. My friend and I went for a morning run and when we returned the other mom rushed out to cut us off before we got to the door with a panicked look on her face.
“Everything’s okay now,” she said, which of course makes us instantly start to panic. “We called 911 and the paramedics said everyone should be okay.”
What the?!!!
Now Available – Martinis & Motherhood – Tales of Wonder, Woe & WTF?!
A couple of months ago I did a post about how excited I was to have one of my stories selected to be included in an anthology called “Martinis & Motherhood: Tales of Wonder, Woe & WTF?!”
Today I’m even MORE excited because at long last, the wait is over, and the book is available at Amazon.com.
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Blog U: Middle School Awkward or Middle Age Awesome?
I had the weirdest dream:
I’m sharing a couch in a hotel bar with “I Just Want to Pee Alone” NYT Bestselling Author, Jen Mann. Our conversation meanders from our mutual admiration for Hugh Howey to me giving her shit about the fact that her rental car has manual roll-down windows. We then somehow make the connection that I was in the PTA with a book blogger that she follows. The next thing I know, Kim Bongiorno (Let Me Start By Saying) is next to me dressed up as Urkel performing a “Dancing With the Stars” worthy number with Frugie from Frugalista Blog.
I Went Shopping – Help Me Pick the Winners
Almost two weeks ago I challenged myself to do something that I never do: Go shopping.
I detailed the ‘whys’ in a previous, “Dusting Off My Parachute” post the night before my adventure. The boiled down version is that I hate shopping. I find it completely overwhelming both in terms of the sheer number of choices available and also because I am incredibly thrifty (okay, cheap).
I’m Going to Be in a Book! Martinis & Motherhood – Tales of Wonder, Woe & WTF?!
A couple of weeks ago I received the exciting news that one of my stories was selected to be included in the upcoming anthology, Martinis & Motherhood – Tales of Wonder, Woe & WTF?! which is being published in June by Shannon Day (Martinis & Motherhood) and Tara Wilson (Don’t Lick the Deck) of Tipsy Squirrel Press.
I’m so excited and honored to have my story included along with 35 other talented authors sharing their stories of the Wonder, Woe & WTF moments of motherhood (and of course, martini recipes.) Read more about the book here.
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Why I Don’t Put Pictures of My Kids on My Blog
I often get asked why I don’t post picture of my kids in my blog posts or on social media for The Dusty Parachute.
It’s hard not to. They are both adorable and do insanely cute and crazy things about 10 time each hour. So why not share this cuteness with the world?
There are several reasons, but the biggest reason is that about two years ago, when my daughter was 7, she walked up behind me as I was posting a picture of her on Facebook and asked “Why is that picture of me on the computer? Shouldn’t I get to decide what happens to my pictures?”
I was floored. She was right.
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